Chicken Wings in Soy-Mirin Sauce

Chicken Wings in Soy-Mirin Sauce

Wed Jun 07 2023 16:17:08 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


                    500 grams of chicken wings



2 tablespoons of soy sauce

2 tablespoons of mirin

2 tablespoons of sugar

2 tablespoons of water


                Step 1
Wash the chicken wings, cut them in half, and soak them in milk.

Step 2
Prepare the sauce: mix soy sauce, mirin, sugar, and water.

Step 3
Pat dry the chicken wings with a paper towel.

Step 4
Coat the chicken wings in flour and fry them over medium heat for about 10 minutes on each side.

Step 5
Add the sauce and cook until the sauce thickens.

This recipe makes 2 servings.
Chicken Wings in Soy-Mirin Sauce
Chicken Wings in Soy-Mirin Sauce
Chicken Wings in Soy-Mirin Sauce
Chicken Wings in Soy-Mirin Sauce
Chicken Wings in Soy-Mirin Sauce
Chicken Wings in Soy-Mirin Sauce
Chicken Wings in Soy-Mirin Sauce

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